Buffy Speak
buffy speak is a podcast about buffy the vampire slayer, which beth has seen upwards of ten million times and caroline is watching for the first time. we try to come at the show from an intersectional perspective and have a ton of fun with it. we hope you do too!
140 episodes
722 – Chosen
although we've come.... to the eeeend of the rooooad.... still i can't leeeet gooooo......this is it, y'all! the finale. there is just so much we cover in this episode that i cannot in good faith summarize it with a little pithy descrip...

721 – The End of Days
AND ALMOST TWO MONTHS LATER, WE'VE RETURNED!due to some pretty serious personal Stuff, we weren't able to get this episode edited and uploaded in a timely manner. but we're here now! we've got mystery scythes. we've got chloroform. we'v...
Season 7
Episode 21

720 – Touched
in our first (!!!) in-person recording session since the premiere of our podcast, lo, those many years ago, we try and tally the people of color in this season, talk about spike and buffy's relationship (duh) and update ourselves on tom lenk's ...
Season 7
Episode 20

719 – Empty Places
WOOP DE DOO, we finally reached beth's least favorite episode of the entire series. sure do love to see our protagonist abandoned by her friends and loved ones! sure do Love That!
Season 7
Episode 19

718 – Dirty Girls
hello, caleb! hello, faith! goodbye, xander's left eye (or was it right? i'm too lazy to look it up)! goodbye, multiple potential slayers! PRIESTS. am i right ladies?
Season 7
Episode 18

717 – Lies My Parents Told Me
this episode? is FUCKED. the gaps in spike's past are finally all filled in, but the most important thing is that buffy DEFINITELY didn't know that spike killed robin's mother and that beth is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT right. tell your friends. ...
Season 7
Episode 17

716 – Storyteller
this episode is Fine but we get a bunch of andrew, which can be nice, depending on whether or not he's totally denying murdering his friend.
Season 7
Episode 16

715 – Get It Done
TRIGGER WARNING: this episode of buffy speak discusses discusses rape and, briefly, suicide. feel free to skip this one if you are uncomfortable with those topics!y'all like episodes that are at once lore-heavy and also answer NO questi...
Season 7
Episode 15

714 – First Date
racism! racism galore! we've got racism against asian people, we've got racism against black people, we've got it all, folks! don't you JUST LOVE IT.
Season 7
Episode 14

713 – The Killer in Me
amy sucks, kennedy... kind of... doesn't suck?, beth has never seen sky high and andrew is a downright delight. all this and more on this week's episode of BUFFY SPEAK: THE COLLEGE YEARS
Season 7
Episode 13

712 – Potential
we continue to be BAFFLED by the fact that some people don't like dawn. what's wrong with you??? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE TO DO TO PLEASE YOU PEOPLE???
Season 7
Episode 12

711 – Showtime
beth manages to find one thing about each potential that she likes and caroline gets a SPECIAL SURPRISE when she finds out she didn't actually finish the episode.
Season 7
Episode 11

710 – Bring On The Night
so much has happened!! beth went to Podcast Convention Two, beth got engaged, beth saw mr. pointy in the (wooden) flesh, and caroline saw a badass lady on the train. oh, and also we talk about buffy.
Season 7
Episode 10

709 – Never Leave Me
"never leave me" indeed! sorry we've been away for (undisclosed amount of time) but we're BACK and we are OUT OF ORDER. caroline's hard drive is kind of shot, and we may not get our original 708 back, but here's 709 while you wait! we've got an...
Season 7
Episode 9

707 – Conversations With Dead People
conversations with alive people about conversations with dead people about the indigo girls and tom hanks
Season 7
Episode 7

706 – Him
wow this episode is bad! i mean, like, really bad! like, misogyny and strange editing and weird character choices bad! WHY'D YOU DO US LIKE THIS ANDREW? WHYYYY
Season 7
Episode 6

705 – Selfless
friends stabbing friends, friends accidentally getting their friends disintegrated, friends pouring all of their identities into their romantic partners, and STILL this episode doesn't carry as much of the emotional weight as it wants to. oh we...
Season 7
Episode 5

704 – Help
everyone please welcome this week's guest, a bird! their credentials are that they went to bird school, which is for birds, and are therefore incredibly qualified to speak to this episode of buffy.
Season 7
Episode 4

703 – Same Time, Same Place
beth and caroline don't particularly care for this story line so we spend most of it talking about jack black and the johns mulaney and cusack. hope that's okay.
Season 7
Episode 3

702 – Beneath You
it's all come down to this, folks. we've been doing this podcast for almost three years, and we've finally come to the ultimate question. the final query. the question that, were it to be answered correctly, would cause society's ruination and ...
Season 7
Episode 2

701 – Lessons
welcome to season 7 everyone!! the lessons WE learn this week are you can always go back to high school, especially if the weird principal knows everything about you, and that our last season is gonna be a blast.
Season 7
Episode 1

622 – Grave (with Meghan Griffin)
meghan griffin (@megggriffin) joins us for one last go around the depressing season 6 track. xander sucks! dawn and buffy are the best! GILES IS BACK!!! what a rollercoaster we've been on, friends. we can't wait to never watch season 6 ever again....
Season 6
Episode 22

621 – Two to Go
"i'm sick of willow's bullshit" - caroline sears, 2018
Season 6
Episode 21